This includes 2 Communiques from friends in Lithuania. The most recent (#2) is followed by the previous (#1). The statements include information about how you might help by showing your support for the resistance to these reforms
A collection of notes, written by a waitress, regarding the mouvement sociale contre le loi du travail (the social movement against François Hollande's labour law) in 2016 in France. La Serveuse chronicles events from the movement’s beginnings in March onward.
Five notes towards averting the most ideologically polarised reactions to Syriza’s victory in Greece (mostly for those not from Greece)
1) Syriza did not win because of Tsipras’ ‘charisma’ or thanks to their winning populist political discourse. They also did not win as part of a surge in social struggles.
Tsipras is not a particularly rousing speaker, nor are most of the leading members of Syriza. Syriza is also not a ‘mass party’ akin to what PASOK had been in the 1980s.
Update: News report and video interviews with detainees recently released from Amygdaleza
'Hunger strike until freedom' [1]
The Balkanist blog is a good place to start looking for reliable coverage of the recent protests in Bosnia and the region, this post collects recent updates (as of Monday 10 February) and a short list of recommended reading.

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