"The UK Media are operating under the tacit assumption that the 'anti-globalisation' movement has been mired in a profound crisis of legitimacy ever since September 11.” This notion is countered in this issue of Mute.
2002-03, ISSN 1356-7748-23
Coco Fusco talks to Ricardo Dominguez about 'net_art_activism'
AMM's Eddie Provost on Sampling
Saul Albert on Space Hijackers
Matthew Hyland on Blunkett's version of UK citizenship
Brandon Labelle on found sound composition
Flint Michigan on Musique Concrete
Peter Carty on Opiates for the Masses
Keith Hart and Stewart Home on the Euro
Matthew Fuller on Banksy
CCRU on theories for a bust economy
JJ King on why Terror is the Network and the Network is You
Gregor Claude on the digital commons debate
Dave Mandl interviews Rudy VanderLans of Emigre magazine
Benedict Seymour revisits Pier Paolo Pasolini