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Support the occupation of UCL - stop UCL evicting people in East London

By ben, 29 November 2012

UCL university is occupied in support of the 300 people on Carpenters Estate in East London facing eviction by the college to make way for student apartments.

Report from Workers Liberty article:

'Students from UCL have occupied a room in the Wilkins Bulding in protest against UCL’s imminent buy-out and eviction of the Carpenters Estate in Stratford, Newham. The UCL management, working with Newham Council (led by Sir Robin Wales, Labour), are continuing to ignore the views of the vast majority of the 700 people who live on the estate and have said will continue with their policy, despite the fact that it’ll lead to the forced eviction of residents.

After a successful demonstration on 28 November outside a UCL Council meeting, a group of demonstrators took over the Wilkins Garden Room and decided in the end to occupy. A number of events have been planned for 29 November, including a talk from a resident of the Carpenters Estate. The occupation has irked UCL management immensely and is hoping to continue for as long as possible, UCLU and both the President and Vice-President of ULU have voiced support for the campaign.

An occupier adds "We’ve chosen this means of protest to draw attention to the issue of space. UCL is depriving people of the space in which they live and so we’ve decided to take space away from UCL to raise awareness on campus amongst staff and students, who haven’t even been consulted people on these plans."'

Here's a good analysis of why all UCL and London Uni students and staff should support the current occupation and put a stop to UCL's brutal plan:

The Uni is violently evicting 300 people from their homes to make way for apartments to house students (aka the cash cows and asset base for the Uni's private wealth managers). 

Students are already no more than collateral for financialised unis who issue bonds secured against the flow of revenue which their students represent. Now, in the context of govt destruction of subsidy for education, UCL is directly looting the homes of poorer workers to make space for those wealthy enough to generate revenue, and thus further debt creation and retail opportunities, for the university: 

'Social housing replaced by student housing funds run by private wealth managers, education no longer about capabilities and learning but merely a means by which to create returns from a relationship of debt.' 

This act of violence and financialised theft is emblematic of the current situation in the UK and beyond. Exponential growth of fictitious capital, exponential looting of means of reproduction i.e. our homes and resources. The only winners are an elite minority, meanwhile our collective future becomes debt servitude. 

Fighting back now isn't just a nice idea, it's urgently necessary if we aren't all going to go down together. 

Support the occupation! Stop UCL throwing people out of their homes!