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May 2013 at Open Systems

By Open Space, 1 May 2013
Image: Ralph Kistler, Social Netwalks

Open Systems is pleased to present Issue 2, Spring 2013, which focuses on the trajectory of contemporary art in Turkey for the past 20 years and evaluates the extent of knowledge and content production within this field and also discusses the meanings and potentials of institutional critique within the current dynamics of the contemporary art world.

Taking art as a case study, ARTSLAB 2, Spring 2013, looks at forms of how the notion of invisible otherness is reproduced within our normative societies and its strategies. 


Issue 2, Spring

Guest editors: Aslı Çetinkaya and Merve Ünsal

Title: Encounters in Critical and Contemporary Art 1990s to date: Turkey

It can be widely agreed upon that contemporary art in Turkey which gained a significant momentum in early 1990s has a relatively established structure now, with its institutions and a growing market. However it is also often said that the political and social vein which shaped many practices and senses of community and collaboration seem to have left the contemporary art scene with the growing institutionalization. The texts brought together here, which have diverse perspectives on the issues of then and now, might be understood as suggesting a critical review of the trajectory of contemporary art in Turkey for the past 20 years.

This issue of Open Systems begins by acknowledging the impossibility of a deductive reasoning in talking about a place whose very contemporaneity is marked by disruptions. Embracing this discontinuity, the authors look at subjects of interest that reveal a collation of pursuits, a horizontal synergy that seems to have been at the core of the 90s and furthermore, they provide us with different ways and perspectives of dealing with issues of historicization.

Contributors: Sezgin Boynik, Burak Delier, Elmas Deniz, Özge Ersoy, Berin Gölönü, İlhan Ozan


ARTSLAB 2, Spring

Project curator: Işın Önol

Title of the exhibition: with/in/significant other

The exhibition focuses on how the notion of invisible otherness is reproduced within our normative societies and the strategies within which the artists, litterateurs and avant-garde thinkers embrace the supressed dark image, which is the subaltern, the unsolicited, the uncanny, the disregarded, the overlooked; the dark and insignificant other under the violence of the glittering power.

Participating artists: Bogomir Doringer, Shilpa Gupta, Ashley Hunt, Berat Işık, Ralph Kistler, Mario Rizzi, Stefanie Wuschitz / Claudia Eipeldauer / Philipp Lammer and Zorica Zafirovska


supported by:


ERSTE Foundation

Stadt Wien - Kulturabteilung MA 7

SAHA - supporting contemporary art from Turkey

MA 7 - Interkulturelle und Internationale Aktivitäten

Stadt Wien - Film, Kino, Neue Medien


Über uns:

Open Systems – der Verein zur Förderung und Vermittlung von Kultur publiziert ein vierteljährlich erscheinendes Online-Forum über verschiedene Themen, das von einer interdisziplinären Online-Ausstellung begleitet ist, dem sogenannten ARTSLAB. Das Forum basiert auf einer grundlegenden geopolitischen Haltung, bei der eine politische Position und eine bestimmte kreative/künstlerische Agenda neue Potenziale eröffnen.

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