On the politics of the pandemic and organising to protect those most vulnerable
I know my left wing friends don't want to talk about coronavirus, but to me what is happening right now is terrifying and raises political questions at every level. I would like to see friends talking and thinking about what a political response might look like.
A Worker Informs a Lord on the Subject of the Guillotine
Adapted from Heinrich Heine, Wintermärchen. 1844.
“King Louis the fifteen died,
Quite peaceful, alone in his bed.
The sixteenth, however, was guillotined,
Along with Queen Antoinette.
The queen showed great courage,as has been told, given the severe situation,
Although her small dog did yelp and did cry
While she suffered her neck laceration.”
The Affair of the Burning Police Car
The V&A’s butchered chunk of Robin Hood Gardens is a vile and arrogant monument to the social cleansing of London. Architecture, or a reified slice of it, is preserved and celebrated for aesthetic contemplation at the very same moment that it is destroyed as people’s homes. It’s an obscene spectacle, where working class housing is usurped for middle class pleasure, social vandalism whitewashed by the circuits of cultural heritage.

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