The dot com and technology shares crash are giving way to monetary prudence and back-to-basics realism. In this issue we attempt to revisit the unevenly distributed and underdeveloped 'utopian imagination' but with a cautionary question: is the ongoing economisation of life another step in the utopian fiction of global capitalism?
2001-04, ISSN 1356-7748-19
Martin Conrads and Ulrich Gutmair interview Bruce Sterling
Hari Kunzru on Futurecasting and Scenario-Planning
Benedict Seymour on the Urban Regeneration Game
Mike Holderness on Microwave crowd-control weapons
Corinna Snyder on the ghost of Dot Com fever and corporate attempts to reanimate it
CCRU examine psychological economic theory
Ben Watson on free improvisation actuality
Florian Cramer reports back from the CODE conference on collaboration and ownership in the digital economy
Luciana Paresi on Elaine Morgan's Descent of Woman
Dave Beech on PEER's Art for All publication
ISSN: 1356-7748