Inclusion Through Media
The 'Inclusion Through Media' partnership has involved many imaginative and productive collaborations between creative media professionals and young and excluded people in cities and regions of the UK and Europe. Using media as a means of working with, and empowering marginalised people in their communities is a practice that has emerged strongly in recent years, nurtured by the extraordinary growth of digital media and the Web. These developments have enabled a participatory culture -particularly online- one in which young people are now more able to represent themselves and their concerns through digital media. This book offers first hand accounts of work across and beyond Inclusion Through Media, alongside critical analysis of many of the processes involved, and the policy issues it raises. It suggests ways in which working with media with disenfranchised groups can contribute to social cohesion and inclusion, and so points the way towards new media, youth and social policy. The book includes an accompanying DVD.
ISBN 9781906496005
Date of Publication: 13/11/2007
288 pages
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