Mute Vol 1, No. 15 – Y2K Positive: Bring Your Own Media
Billboard posters, pull-out magazines, newspaper and TV advertising can leave you in no doubt: the European Internet revolution is here. Reeling from mixed media fanfare over the latest e-commerce company's IPO, you'd be forgiven for forgetting that only two years ago news of the Web's demise, of the end of the hype and the honeymoon, was the order of the day. In this issue of Mute our contributors bring their own media.
2000-01, ISSN 1356-7748-15
Florian Schneider on Netting Fortress Europe
Sheep T. Iconoclast on Bluetooth
Josephine Berry on the net as cemetery
JJ King on Matthew Zook and the digital divide
Dr. Future on the digital art prize, Imaginaria
John Bichard in conversation with Peter Molyneux
Mark Fisher on Y2K
Matthew Fuller's 'I am the mayor of London'
The Mute Text Monument to the Second Millennium
ISSN: 1356-7748