
The Wiki Way (Quick Collaboration on the Web, Bo Leuf, Ward Cunningham)

By Simon Worthington, 10 December 2001

Wiki is an easy to use collaborative web tool, which is able to capture some of the qualities of spoken language. The Wiki Way book is a manifesto and a software manual in one, with the essentials for Wiki installation attached on CD.

The authors have written this book with an almost mystical sense of wonderment at the achievements and ideals embodied in the Wiki concept, a web site where anyone can edit anything. With the Wiki there is never a ‘error 404’ warning telling you that the page cannot be found, instead there is an invitation to add the information yourself.

The authors are also in awe at the simplicity of the Wiki’s code, relying on the GET (request data) and POST (request to submit data) commands of HTTP protocol underlying structure of the WWW. Big respect!

The attached CD allows you to install a Wiki on most Os’s, even Windows, and then you too will be able to keep the flame burning for those early ideals of the WWW: empowerment, learning and collaboration.

Simon Worthington <simon AT>

[][]ISBN 0-201-71499-XAddison-Wesley