

Solidarity and Collective Autonomy: An Interview with Woodbine

Woodbine recently published a text on getting organised within the pandemic, ‘Mutual Aid, Social Distancing, and Dual Power in the State of Emergency’.1 They have since transformed their space into a mutual aid organising hub for their neighbourhood of Ridgewood, Queens, and have partnered with a local homeless outreach organisation to start a food pantry.

Cesura // Acceso

Music That Never Surrenders:
Journal for Music and Experimental Politics

What is Cesura?

Cesura//Acceso is a twice-yearly ‘diy’ non-academic journal that aims to bring together writings on music and autonomist related politics. Our point of departure is the aim to ignite, develop and sustain dialogue and discourse (which seems to be missing or hidden) between contemporary music and spaces of political thought and action.

Postscript (p.s. Forever)

If all surfaces and gestures are mediated by capital, how can we imagine them becoming a ground for struggle? An experimental text by Rózsa Farkas and Harry Burke


This text was commissioned by Charlie Woolley for his recent show, Postscript (p.s I Love You). Part one of this text can be found here: http://charliewoolley.hotglue.me/?psiloveyoutext/




Toward Agonism: Moishe Postone's Time, Labour & Social Domination

There has been intense discussion of the notion of 'immaterial labour' recently. Initially proposed by Maurizio Lazzarato and famously deployed by Hardt and Negri to describe the liberatory potential of mental and/or affective labour in an 'informatised' mode of production, the immaterial labour thesis implies that new technology is producing non-capitalist labour relations within capitalism. One serious challenger to this view is the American academic Moishe Postone who sees labour as inherently linked to domination.

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