

Appropriating the Alien: A Critique of Xenofeminism

The Xenofeminist Manifesto claims, among many things, rationalism and technology as core to a renewed futurist feminist project. However, given the provenance of its moniker and its 'pro-enlightenment' position, Annie Goh asks, WTF exactly is XF?


Re-gendering the Indebted Man: Female Subjectivity in the Argentine Financial Crisis

Women demonstrate at the third Ni Una Menos protest against femicide, Buenos Aires, June 2017

The austerity programme imposed by the IMF after Argentina’s 2001 economic crisis, far from imposing debt universally as Maurizio Lazzarato’s figure of the ‘indebted man’ would have it, hit women hardest. George Jepson revisits this history to extract the figure of the ‘indebted woman’ it forged and the collective female body of protest that erupted as a result.

Extracts From The Counsel of Spent

Drawing upon the divagating adventures of the fondly missed Inventory journal (1995-2005), Inventory have authored a new book in a series commissioned by Nina Power for Book Works. We have taken the opportunity to preview this cavalier text that traverses the cosmological scale and the anxieties of everyday survival under latest capitalism.

The 'working class should have voted Bernie, not Hilary (that neoliberal machine!)' argument is an apology for a racist, because exclusively white, conception of those disposessed by neoliberalism, and a nostalgia for an older order of national(ist), closed-border capitalism – argues Angela Mitropoulos


And I want us to be a country where it doesn’t matter where you were born, who your parents are, where you went to school, what your accent sounds like, what god you worship, whether you’re a man or a woman, gay or straight, or black or white.

– Theresa May, 5 October 2016, Conservative Party Conference


Garments Against Women

Garments Against Women

Garments Against Women by Anne Boyer, Mute Books (European Edition)

First published by Ahsahta Press, 2015.

ISBN: (paperback) 978-1-906496-38-8 price £14 16 €

104 pages, 148mm x 210mm (A5), black and white with colour covers.

After the Canon? An Interview with Hal Foster

Casting off from his recent book Bad News Days, art critic and October magazine co-editor Hal Foster talks to John Douglas Millar about what became of art’s critical turn, the conversion of art and its world into culture industry and, despite it all, the continuing importance of the aesthetic


Nervous Costume

Madame Tlank digresses from and back to Anne Boyer’s Garments Against Women, which is many things. A memoir written by someone without a history. A garment made for no-body. A reproduction fin in a great fleet of sharks


Down With Supreme Whateverness: On Anne Boyer's Garments Against Women


a catalogue of whales that is a catalogue 

Building Downwards

In their review of Keller Easterling’s Subtraction, Luisa Lorenza Corna and Alan Adam Smart interrogate an architectural theory that makes an economic virtue of contracted social reproduction


Mikkel Bolt analyses the many global shades of reformism and revolution in an extended discussion of 'what is to be done with the crisis, capitalism and the revolution, beyond the avant-garde, reformism and the multitude'


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