

The inconvenient Muslim: An evening to launch Homegrown

“Muslims are only ever the object in an endless national conversation around Islam, rarely invited to define their own narratives. Homegrown probed, pushed back, and hoped to move representations of Muslims beyond simple caricatures and crude Orientalist fantasies. For trying to do that we feel we were censored.” 

– Nadia Latif and Omar El-Khairy (artistic team Homegrown)


Two consecutive days, hearing two choirs from opposite ends of the spectrum of culture. On Sunday Jane Alden's Vocal Constructivists performed four visual scores at V22 in Bermondsey. On Monday I attended John Fisher's 'We Sing U Sing' young people's Gospel choir soloist rehearsal, with my seven year old daughter. They were preparing for their big performance with the full, nearly 600 strong, choir at Fairfield Hall later in the week.

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