


This short account by the Pöhl Monetary Research Group (P.M.R.G) of the sterling’s post-war history begins with three ideas concerning money as such


Fictitious Capital and Contracted Social Reproduction Today: China and Permanent Revolution

Performers wave large red flags in a large scale live-action show near two theme parks on the outskirts of Wuxiang county in north China's Shanxi province


Loren Goldner traces a circuit from permanent crisis to permanent revolution in the long 20th century

Capital is the moving contradiction, (in) that it presses to reduce labour time to a minimum, while it posits labour time, on the other side, as the sole measure and source of wealth. – Karl Marx, Grundrisse

John Maynard Nothing

The name of Keynes and Keynesianism have been bandied about endlessly in the four years since the crisis of 2008. Danny Hayward examines the orthodoxies and imbecilities which these words continue to animate


No Interest But the Interest of Breathing

Bitcoin – finally, fair money?

Bitcoin is a decentralised digital currency deploying peer-to-peer networking to enable secure and anonymous transactions without a central bank. Unlike many economic commentators, The Wine and Cheese Appreciation Society and Scott Lenney take the currency seriously but ask, how exactly does it differ from 'real' money?


Salt - what it's worth

Three Talks by Loren Goldner

Loren Goldner Fictitious Capital and Today's Global Crisis

THREE TALKS BY LOREN GOLDNER London, Jan 19th, 21st and 22nd, 2008

New York-based Marxist Loren Goldner is gave a series of talks in London hosted by Mute magazine [http://metamute.org]

Best known for his prescient and revelatory analysis of the global credit bubble of the last thirty years, Goldner has revived and synthesised the theoretical insights of Rosa Luxemburg, Karl Marx and CLR James suppressed by orthodox Marxism and the mainstream Left to offer a rigorous and revolutionary critique of contemporary life, politics, economy and culture.

The Magic of Debt, or, Amortise This!

Today we don’t feel guilty about incurring debts, just the opposite – indebtedness is the entry price of being a good citizen, pulling more and more of us into the global financial system. Here Brett Neilson offers some philsophical and political tools for disowning a debt which can never be repaid

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