The first issue of a relaunched Mute saw an attempt to manoeuvre the magazine within a commercial landscape of magazine publishing. Re-emerging as a quarterly glossy and fuelled by a faith that digital cultures could garner enough public appeal to become part of the mainstream media diet, Mute tried to hack into the commercial stratum with its 'critical/information/services'. It was felt that this strategy would prevent the magazine from becoming a service journal to the new media art scene and open the door to taking a broader view on how technology affected us all. This broader view saw the magazine increasingly being drawn to the 'anti-globalisation movement' and the issues that followed reflected that.
1997-08, ISSN 1356-7748-X8
Josephine Bosma on Cyberfeminism
Caroline Basset on Sadie Plant
Faith Wilding on Donna Haraway
Sue Thomas looks at women's experimentation with online identity
Josephine Berry on the 'Wired Women' Conference
J.J. King interview Kevin Kelly
Kodwo Eshun on autocatalytic music machines
Matthew Fuller's 'Long Dark Phone In Of The Soul'
Josephine Berry on the exhibition, 'Beyond Reason: Art and Psychosis'
John Cayley reports from Hypertext '97
Russia: New Model Markets by James Flint
ISSN: 1356-7748